There were two things about this episode I really, really didn't like. They're both probably obvious to anyone who reads here regularly, and at least one of them, I don't think I can talk about without needlessly pissing people off. So I won't.
(That said, this is perhaps not a bad time for my occasional "not into Wincest, won't tell people not to squee about it elsewhere, but would prefer it not be discussed here" schtick ;) Which is not to say you can't talk about that bit in the show. Feel free ;).
I like a lot about this. I liked the "plague on both your houses." I love, love, LOVE the idea that God is in the house, and is not actually on the side you'd expect. I adored Bobby and Castiel's respective scenes. I especially loved Bobby's last speech to Sam.
I am sort of torn on Dean's response to Sam at the end. In the scene with Demon!Bobby, I kept waiting for him to say something about breaking the first seal, and even though he didn't, I thought that it was evident in his face that he was thinking about it.
And I also think it's fair to argue that Dean's actions are not equivalent to Sam's, that he broke under a considerably harsher strain, and for that matter, that Sam had a chance to back off his association with Ruby when Dean came back. Fair enough.
However, I would really like at some point some explicit mention there. I would love it if in fact the reason Dean can't entirely forgive Sam is that he can't forgive himself, and even more, that he someone expected Sam to be better than he was (the "I need you to be stronger than me" thing, etc.
More than anything, I am absolutely excited about the season to come. The trailer made me happy on so many levels, but I'm just going to articulate one:
A quick note: thank you all for the hugs.
This entry was originally posted at If you wish,
speak there.
have spoken there.