(no subject)

Sep 10, 2009 08:35

So, I keep thing I should have something to say about recent discussions of acafannishness and sociopolitical discussions in fandom (which are not, IMHO, quite the same thing, but that's a topic for another day), and how they're affecting others' fannish experience and the feelings some are having (and I emphasize, I've seen this from more than one person) that they're not smart/educated/etc enough for fandom right now. And I suppose I do have something to say, except it's this: I'm not really going to say much of anything.

I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing since, well, I got into fandom.

I'm going to keep posting about how much Leverage makes me grin for the entire time it's on, how much I love Hardison and Parker and Eliot, how much I love the geek references, and the cons, and that everyone is so good at what they do. I have little doubt that when SPN restarts tonight, there will be some DEAN! SAM! &hearts ! in these here parts. I'm also going to continue to talk about what didn't work for me in an episode, plot holes or character issues or continuity problems. In doing either of these, I might drag some stuff about POV and narrative and stuff in, because I groove on it.

I'm going to continue to post Grading Hell Theaters and memes and other things that let me think about sources and characters I love, and read other people doing likewise. I'm probably going to continue being made ridiculously happy by those threads. I'm also going to continue ranting about Hollywood's inability to realize that women are half the human population. There will probably be some stuff about race (sigh, SPN), maybe some stuff about sexual orientation or gender identity.

There will still be posts here that are entirely about the show, the characters, and the internal issues. There will also be fandom meta, and the likelihood of rhetorical theory and terminology showing up is pretty darned high. I will always try to define my terms and explain concepts, but Aristotle is still my go-to guy.

I will always do my best to use labels and cuts to help people make decisions about what to read, to help them find things that make them happy or that that they find meaningful, and to avoid things that they would rather not engage. But in the choice of what content to write and post, I can really only take responsibility for my own happiness. However, and this point cannot be emphasized enough, I am really not keeping any kind of track as to who comments on what or posts on what. Even if I wanted to, and I really don't, I can barely remember where I put my purse most days. I can only speak for myself, but there is no judgment 'round here for what people don't write/talk about. I'm not just saying I don't assume motives for non-engagement with a topic, although I don't. I genuinely don't even notice.

I'm also going to keep assuming that people will read or not read me in general as it contributes to their fannish experience. I'm not going to lie and say that it wouldn't hurt to lose some people, because I'm human like that, but if reading my journal is making you unhappy (or worse, angry), I would genuinely rather you stop reading me while we can still have a friendly exchange elsewhere.

So, that's what I'm going to do.

So, um, did I mention new SPN tonight? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

This entry was originally posted at http://cereta.dreamwidth.org/680195.html. If you wish, speak there.
have spoken there.

fandom meta

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