So, grading. This is a thing. Happy things are required to counter it.
Today on Grading Hell Theater: pick something slightly off the beaten path, and give me five reasons you like it.
I'm going to go with Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn.
The small fanperson has discovered Nickelodeon's sitcoms, and while I alternate between enjoying them and face-palming, the enjoyment to facepalming ratio is definitely most skewed to enjoyment with NRD&D. Here's why:
1. Dawn. I could write a whole five list about Dawn (who is, unsurprisingly, the sfp's favorite), but I'll condense to three: (a) Dawn is not the killjoy who rains on her wacky brothers' fun parade. She is in there making mischief and being, well, a kid (a clever, smart kid, but a kid who gets in just as much trouble as the boys); (b) at the same time, the show doesn't try to pretend that her being the only girl isn't going to lead to situations in which she's just slightly outside of said brothers' circle; (c) pilot aside, while Dawn is clearly something of a tomboy (of the quads, she's the athlete, which is also cool), she is also into manicures and romantic books/movies (there's kind of a cute version of Orphan Black that seems to be the Twilight of that universe) and squeeing with her bff, and these things are not looked down upon.
2. The kids are each more than their stereotype. Yes, there's a certain amount of "the smart, fussy one; the airhead pretty one (who is one of the boys); the quirky one, etc, but none of the kids are only one thing. Also, as part of that, Dawn is not a Smurfette. If anything, she's gotten a little more development than the boys.
3. Dad may be the parody sitcom Dad who is basically a big kid, but actually, so is Mom. She's not, again, the practical killjoy who rains on everyone's fun. She's a bit more mature than her husband, but really, not much ;)
4. That said, the parents do parent, which is nice.
5. A consistent cast of secondary characters who also get some development. I especially like the big-sister relationship Josie has with the quads.
And an extra, this-is-the-biggest-reason, it's something I can watch with the small fanperson.
Your turn!
(Note that should be obvious: this is not a post for critical analysis of someone's answer. We can do that in another post if you want. ;)
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