My screen is back!
*does a happy chicken dance*
No more rainbow coloured screen and garbled image! All I did was doing my 6-monthly routine maintenance by opening up all the part inside the CPU, and clean all of them using my smallest brush and soft tissue. That included disconnecting all part of it like cables, motherboard, all the spare part and hard wares, cleaning it thoroughly and connecting it one by one.
I seriously thought I have to change my CRT monitor and I don’t think any cleaning will do anything to it. I have no idea what caused the first problem, but now that I think of it, it might be because of Adobe Air and Flash Player CS3. Even though my CPU can support it, my teen monitor (I forget how old she is, but something like 13 in January) is too old for this. CS3 have caused several problems anyway, so I decided to use CS2.
Thank goodness! I can do my daily work now, and I don’t have to change anything.
Let’s hope I don’t jinx anything by posting the condition of my monitor, in case she decides to change back into her ill-state later on. I sure hope not.
A big thank you to
illutia_mist for entertaining me in my PC’s half-blind condition, and now it’s time to get back in my internship work and write more and more stories.