
Dec 09, 2009 04:08

Whenever I read or watch a story, the one that is most memorable for me is when I can see two characters in that story being together. Either that's yaoi, yuri or hetero. For Star Trek, the moment I saw Hikaru Sulu and Pavel Chekov sat side by side, I swooned and my mind was filled with them.

For FF8, I feel happy when Squall and Selphie came to one screen. They really looked good together. But let's set that for another entry...

These are some of the best fics for Hikaru Sulu and Pavel Chekov of Star Trek. These are yaoi, which I'm sure most of you know means man x man. If you ever watched Star Trek, whichever version it was, and like the idea of Hikaru/Chekov, try to give them a go:

by crystalfic
Title: Things Left Behind
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Chekov/Sulu
Warnings: None, really.
Summary: Prompt fill. Chekov and Sulu met in another lifetime. While on shore leave, they accidentally have those memories triggered.
Anything made by 6street
Title: Like A Shadow
Author: starsandgraces
Pairing: Chekov/Sulu
Rating: R
Warnings: Minor character death (highlight for spoiler: Chekov's mother)
Wordcount: 3616
Summary: Angel AU. The first rule of being a guardian angel is that you never get too involved with your assignment.
Title: The Bestest
Rating: PG-13
Author: withthepilot
Pairing: Chekov/Sulu, implied Kirk/McCoy
Notes: ~1,800 words of fluffy crack. For starsandgraces, with whom I share many bizarre ST-related conversations, including the one that inspired this. ("I think he has a mug that says 'Bestest Pilot' on it. Jim made it." "Omg.")
Summary: Chekov isn't jealous of Kirk's birthday gift to Sulu. No, not at all.
Actually, I think this fandom has so many good authors. They really know how to write, and it's a pleasure reading the fanfics. I wonder if that's because most of them also dabbled in other fandoms too, therefore they are experienced in writing. There are plenty more fanfics in this fandom that I haven't read, so the list of favorite is current and may getting longer.

Aside from this fandom, I also like Persona 4, Skip!Beat, and Artemis Fowl. Someday I’ll put up links to some of the best fics about them.

fan fiction, rec!fics, random

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