C-Genome...Am I human?

Nov 06, 2005 06:49

Name/Nickname: Hisomi-chan
Age: 21
Birthdate: 3/20/84
Gender: Female
Favorite Quote? Why does it have a significance to you? Hmmm..is it okay if it isn't from AnC? If so, it would be this one (if you're confused this is from a different anime. Yami no Matsuei. Taken from the Kyoto Arc, last episode of the anime.):

Tsuzuki: Let me die, Hisoka. I’ve already lived more than my share...I...I’m just tired. I can’t exist anymore. So, goodbye... Hisoka?
Hisoka: THEN STAY FOR MY SAKE!! I don’t want to be alone anymore!! Where I belong...is by your side!! I...I need you!!
Tsuzuki: Can I...stay in your heart?
Hisoka: You've always been here...in my heart.

Why?: O.O Come on...that quote is adorable! Besides, it shows everlasting friendship, something that everyone needs.

Likes: reading, writing, singing, acting, hanging out with friends, learning new languages, anime, internet, listening to music, cosplaying, roleplaying
Dislikes: Stupid people, people calling me a child, childish people, selfish people, being confused, my family (no really)...except for my sister
Strong Points: writing, singing, acting, being a good listener, being able to cheer just about anyone up, optimistic
Weak Points: Procrastinator, low self esteem, overly trusting
Hobbies: Anything to do with music, acting, performing, writing (at least I hope I'm an okay writer), vocal impressions, and a few other things ;)
Talents: See the above!
Pet Peeves: Annoying people as a whole. They should not breed. Being woken up too early, people who talk during movies...erm...

This or That
Mature or Immature: It's a mix of both!
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Optimistic!
High Energy, Medium Energy or Low Energy: All depends on the day, really.

Who do you look up to as a role model?: My friend Candice, who has been through hell...and can still smile *huggles her*

Which character would you want to be? Why?: Me personally? Shuro. Gotta love Shuro. She's performer...the one thing I've wanted to be all my life. That and her attitude about life...about everything is really cool.

Anything Else?: Thank you for taking the time to read through this application. It means alot! *hugs to all* Ja!

This one isn't cosplay I swear! No, really it isn't.

This one however is...though not from AnC.
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