The Darcys

Oct 24, 2012 16:46

After a very long break without posting anything about my families in my neighbourhood Pomeroy I will show you now the Darcy family!

Mark met Bridget at her parent's New Year Party. Both felt really uncomfortable as Bridget's mother was eager to bring them together. But nethertheless both liked each other and became good friends. They even went on vacation together. And there it happened! Bridget and Mark fell in love with each other. In the evenings both shared the chimney's heat.

Soon after their holiday Mark and Bridget married. It was a big long wedding-party in their new house's garden. Lots of lights enlighted the small private oasis. Many friends came to say their congratiulations.

A few weeks after the wedding Bridget became aware of the fact that she was pregnant. Mark was sooo happy he couldn't get enough of caressing his wife's belly. He was so proud to see her heavy with his child!

And then, finally Bridget gave birth to a beautiful little baby girl. Mark and Bridget named her after his grandmother, Kenna.
Unfortunatley the baby girl grew up much to fast! And her parents had to let her go to university.

That's it for now! Ta!

sims 2; pics; pomeroy

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