Comics and Links

Nov 06, 2008 18:01

I got the best birthday present anyone could ask for. Hope. It comes in the form of a great person being elected President. Like millions of people around the world, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I feel like with work and sacrifice we as a nation have the opportunity to redeem ourselves from eight years of cronyism, crimes, hate and incompetence.

I believe in Barak Obama. I believe him to be a man of solid moral fiber, strong character, dedication and most of all I think he has an inquisitive and agile intelligence. His election is a symbol of this country's willingness to make the changes and tackle the problems facing the United States and the world. He has called all of us to action, to heal divisions, and work together to become involved in the process.

I've shed a lot of my cynicism and pessimism. It may come back, but for now I'm enjoying the good feeling of new possibilities, and looking forward to our challenges.

Check this out, an official form to file a complaint about political activities of the Mormon Church:
(call to action)
Print it out. Fill in in. Mail it:

Restoring America agenda:

Well that didn't take long. I said that Lieberman would not last long in the Democratic Caucus if they didn't need him. They don't, and he'll be gone soon:

Interesting graphic summary of political shifts in voting:
(slide show)



The Morning After:

Teddy Bear gore:
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