Aug 20, 2007 08:10
I was bored, and saw that "superbad" did well, so i thought id see what "well" meant. After finding out that it was pretty damn good for a teen movie in the 21st century, I saw other movies on the list that I wanted to know how they did. Except for an unlucky few, such as "I now pronounce you chuck and larry", "Bratz", "Underdog", and one or two more, the big hits of the summer actually seem to be big hits. We all know transformers to be good, harry potter, but then "stardust", "superbad" and "the bourne ultimatum" did quite well also.
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Disclaimer: Don't arrest me, its a joke! Don't report me, its a joke! Don't watch FOX news, its a joke (damn liberal media)!