Dec 02, 2010 21:08
Oh dear. I seem to have undone all the progress I've made with my back. Damned snow! I over did it with the shovelling. Bah. It'll be ok in the morning.
I've had a day doing some housekeeping on my pooters today. I somehow lost my most recent iphoto library and horror of horrors I discovered that Time machine had deleted so many of my backups I had only one left from a week ago and even that wouldn't restore with all my albums intact so much muttering and cursing ensued as I put everything back in place. The frustrating thing is I'd just had a really good tidy up in that library a couple of days ago. Bah.
That prompted me to do some archiving and extra backups to various drives we have around the house. Then I deleted a load of stuff from my iMac, wiped the external hard drive and finally got Time Machine to do a full backup. It has to come to crisis point before I'll do any tidying on my pooters. I'm a sweep it under the carpet kinda gal if truth be told.
I have lots of photos I want to post but I haven't found the necessary round tuit . It's felt like a very busy week for some reason. I did manage to get some drawing done today though which is good.
Tomorrow will find me rather more organised.
Off to watch Paxman interview Hitch. Then some Big Bang and Frasier. Night night.