38th Gear Shift

Jun 18, 2009 09:46


[*Tails is on the roof of the church, staring off into the emptier part of the city. The communicator is giving the network the view he has, shrouded every so often by one of his tails as the wind blows them around. The network was still buzzing with the reports of monsters and people being killed or nearly killed. The young ( Read more... )

monster tail, sonic, fevers, nine tailed kitsune, no more cute, sad tails is sad, malice event

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[Comment Log] hope4afuture June 18 2009, 18:03:19 UTC
[Guess who's out patrolling.]


[Comment Log] cerebral_foxy June 18 2009, 19:00:28 UTC
[Good thing too, because Tails is looking for the Chaos Emeralds and the last place he knew them to be, was the High School]


[Comment Log] hope4afuture June 18 2009, 19:12:26 UTC
[Lucky for him, he already passed the school and heading towards you. His movement pauses for a moment sensing that sickening aura. Oh Kami, he felt this feeling before.]


[Comment Log] cerebral_foxy June 18 2009, 19:19:32 UTC
['Tails' pauses and looks around, something felt funny. He searched around for anything out of place, back turned towards the schools direction.]


[Comment Log] hope4afuture June 18 2009, 19:25:56 UTC
[Trunks continues to follow this dark feeling, very similar to what he sensed the other day with Nill. Could it be---Trunks quickly runs towards that direction following his senses where it lead him to a large fox standing on the road. Trunks movement pauses looking at the fox, was he another victim too?]


[Comment Log] cerebral_foxy June 18 2009, 19:31:15 UTC
[Not seeing anything, the were-kitsune faced forward and stopped when he spotted Trunks. He blinked a moment before growling and raising his hackles. Clear sign to get out of the way buddy.]


[Comment Log] hope4afuture June 18 2009, 19:42:13 UTC
[Great, he's standing in front of what could be human. Trunks prepares his fighting stance. If he can at least slow him down, at least he would prevent the beast from attacking people.]

Please, calm down. I don't want to hurt you.


[Comment Log] cerebral_foxy June 18 2009, 20:00:58 UTC
[Tails seems to smirk a little, tensing his muscles before charging straight at the purple haired human. Trunks might not want to hurt Tails; but it wasn't a mutual feeling at all.]


[Comment Log] hope4afuture June 18 2009, 20:16:08 UTC
[They never listen. Trunks lifts both arms up meeting his hands with Tails. He would try to stop Tails with bruit force holding his ground.]


[Comment Log] cerebral_foxy June 19 2009, 06:14:44 UTC
[Tails pushes against the human before swinging four his tails at Trunks feet.]


[Comment Log] hope4afuture June 19 2009, 21:10:53 UTC
[The tails forces Trunks to trip backwards. Falling back, he held to Tails fists forcing him to fall with Trunks. He quickly brings both of his feet towards Tails stomach and pushes him off and over Trunks head before letting go to send Tails in the air.]


[Comment Log] cerebral_foxy June 20 2009, 06:52:18 UTC
[Tails gives a yelp as he crashes to the ground. He gives a low growl and spins around, a cloud of dust begins to kick up as he spins.]


[Comment Log] hope4afuture June 20 2009, 08:26:43 UTC
[Sorry Tails, he isn't quite done yet. He comes skidding towards you ready to jabber a couple punches before slamming you down with both fists clench together.]


[Comment Log] cerebral_foxy June 20 2009, 08:47:41 UTC
[The slam does more damage then the jabs, and Tails brings his tails up to defend from the double fist*. He wraps two tails around Trunks waist and snaps them like a whip to try and knock Trunks away.]


[Comment Log] hope4afuture June 20 2009, 18:29:37 UTC
[He didn't take note on the tails wrapping around him. Before Trunks knew it, he was already whipped in the air. A burst of energy emits within him as he catches himself. In the air over Tails, Trunks takes a couple breathers pondering what to do. The delay only proven to irritate him. His fists clench. Just what is he suppose to do?]


[Comment Log] cerebral_foxy June 20 2009, 19:31:56 UTC
[The kitsune-were hung back- watching the flyinf human carefully. His tails twitched in agitation, this one was stronger. He'd have to be patient this time.]


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