First of all, I'm very sorry for the two birthday fics for which I am late (lookin' at you guys,
airspaniel and
rap541). Crazy things have been happening; I'll get them done as soon as I can.
And now - you guys missed my random modposting, didn't you? Oh, yeah. You know you did.
A couple slight updates:
We are now at 149 watchers. Yay us!
Also, somehow I managed to leave my Mohinder/Eden story ("Forget") off of the community profile. That's been fixed.
The community's affiliates have also been updated, so I'm gonna go ahead and put this out there - if you mod a community that's related to this community's interests (ie, fanfic, slash, Heroes, BSG, etc), then I'd be happy to affiliate. Just drop a comment.
And finally (you know you were waiting for it) - your opinions plz.
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