Comment ficlets again.

Jun 04, 2007 00:38

SOME-ONE can't post anything with an lj-cut on her journal, because of LJ's super-lame server problems.

Therefore, in order to keep motivated, another round of COMMENT FICLETS. Yay.

As always: if you guys are interested, comment here with a pretty icon that you absolutely adore, and I'll respond with a short comment-length ficlet based on said icon. That failing, you can just write me a prompt in words, and I'll do my best. If you want to go REALLY WILD, you might do an icon AND words. (omg.)

crossover, firefly: jayne/river, heroes, torchwood, casino royale: bond/villiers, rome, heroes: mohinder/sylar, rome: brutus/antony, bsg: gaeta/baltar, casino royale, harry potter, torchwood: jack/ianto, gen, firefly, battlestar galactica, comment ficlets, torchwood: tosh/gwen

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