So. Recently, in my personal journal, I did a challenge wherein people comment on the post with an icon, and I write a ficlet based on said icon. These are the results of that challenge. They run the entire gamut of fandoms (Rome to BSG to Torchwood to random pirates AU) and genres (slash, femslash, het), ratings (anywhere from PG to NC-17) and
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Cicero/Anthony: I was surprised at how much I liked this one, given that Cicero doesn't interest me as a character that much. It's just very intense and and somehow pushes some button for me that just works
Pirate Baltar/Gaeta: Well, what's not to love? The best part was reading "a precise British voice", feeling a big smile coming over my face, and then simply waiting for the fun to begin. Felix is so cute, trying to be invisible and non-threatening as possible, and the way he "almost smiles" at the shopping banter. Oh, also: while Baltar might have the attitude for a pirate, he's such a coward; it makes the setting all the more amusing and enjoyable.
Torchwood: Never seen it, but I have seen the Jack character on Dr. Who, and it was enough to get it. Excellent moment: "You're the worst doctor on Earth!" and Felix's ears perk up. Also really liked the way Jack is so open and guileless in that moment where he says, "Wow, that was hot." Cause yeah, it was.
Octavia/Starbuck: Wow, was this hot. Might have been even if I hadn't seen Rome. And I was wondering how God fit into it when I saw the header. Made me laugh out loud when I saw how. I haven't thought of that Season 1 bit for a long time! Very good representation of Octavia, especially. And while I knew immediately that the blond man had to be Starbuck, it was fun to watch Octavia's confusion unfold anyway.
Farscape: Don't watch this show. Don't even have the slightest familiarity with it, but I went back and looked at it after reading demonqueen's comment, and I agree, the end did make me laugh. You did a good job with representing the illogical-logic of dreams, too.
demonqueen666 and I are going to have so much fun making that pirate ficlet into a longer story. It really has so much potential. Baltar's incredibly large ego and prissy scientist mannerisms....on a BUCANEER. YES.
Jack and Felix? Yes. Just yes.
Well, the icon said "you can refer to me as god" I had to incorporate it somwhere :D I kinda wanted to elaborate on this one, because it did happen awfully fast.
You should watch Farscape! It's so cracked up and crazy!
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