Feb 09, 2007 09:34
What is your name? Eric Michael Myers
When were you born? October 18, 1988
Where do you live? Mount Prospect, Illinois
Are you male of female? male
How tall are you? 5' 9"
What color hair do you have? dirty blonde
Is it your real hair color? If not what is? yes
Do you have glasses/contacts? yes, but I don't wear them
What color are your eyes? right now?...silver
If you are a male...do you have any facial hair? barely, i hate facial hair
What is your ethnic background? caucasion
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no, but as Juan says, I'm together with Brittany in every way so according to him we're together but with an open relationship. So thats pretty much why I don't get depressed about not technically being with her anymore
If so...what is thier name? read the last one
If you do not have a partner do you have a crush? I guess you could say that
Are you or have you ever been in love? ya
What is your religion? atheist
Do you have any nicknames? alot...um...bub, teddy bear, muffinhead, etc.
Do you play any sports? not on teams, but I play everything
What are your hobbies? listening to music and hanging with friends
~*Either/ Or*~
McDonalds Or Burger King? Burger King
Chicken or Beef? Beef
Dogs or Cats? Cats
White chowder or Red chowder? um...since clam chowder is white...id say red chowder
West coast or East coast? East coast
English or Math? math
Pants or Shorts? pants
Sweatshirts with hoods or sweatshirts without hoods? with hoods
Salty or Sweet? sweet
Fluff or Jelly? jelly
Summer or Winter? summer
Hot dogs or Hamburgers? hot dogs
Football or Baseball? football to watch, baseball to play
French Fries or Onion rings? depends...usually french fries unless its from BK, then onion rings
Contacts or Glasses? glasses
Coffee or Tea? tea
Soda or Juice? soda
Skiing or Swimming? swimming
Rings or Bracelets? rings
~*When is the last time you...*~
Talked on the phone? yesterday, my dad called to talk to me about car insurance
Laughed? yesterday at Futurama
Hugged someone? winter break...no...i can't remember but it was when my mom and sister were over...no just my mom
Kissed someone? um...a bowling meet in November
Told someone you loved them....and meant it? last time i talked to Brittany so...Wednesday
Drove? when I was at my mom's
Ate? last night
Danced? idk
Rode a roller coaster? oh its been years...last time i was at great america
Went out to dinner? oh god...i have no idea
Swam in the ocean? when i lived in Florida and even then the water depth was maybe 8 feet, I have a fear of a shark attacking me
Went to a concert? May 16, 2006
Bought yourself something new? December
Worked? August
Played a board game? yesterday, Scrabble and I won as usual
Went to a party? psh...idk
Saw your best friend? January
Saw a shooting star? never have
Got nervous/happy butterflies? January
~*Do You...*~
Like to cook? yes
Have any piercings? no
How about tattoos? no
Do you drink? rarely
Smoke? rarely
Do Drugs? no
Have cable/satellite televison? yes
Go to school? yes
Actually like school? no but id prefer being at school than staying home just because then I have something to do
Like to read? if the book is good
Like to play video games? no but i do all the time because it passes the time
Eat vegetables? ha, no
Eat seafood? only tuna
Have the ability to curl your tongue? ya
Like to shop? ya
Like to go to clubs? no
Like to dress up? the nicest thing I have is a HIM hoody so no
Do you or did you go to school dances? no
Like your job (if you have one)? dont have one but i didn't like my job
~*Which one of your friends...*~
Do you have the most memories with? Juan
Do you have the most in common with? Brittany most likely...but Juan could be too
Is the loudest? Brittany, but she's not loud
Is the most attractive? Brittany
Is the funniest? Brittany
Do you trust the most while in the car? haven't been in a car while I or they were driving
Do you trust the least while in the car? refer to the above
Do you tell the most secrets to? Brittany
Has told you the most secrets? Brittany
Makes you nervous? none
Has the biggest wardrobe? Brittany hands down...little miss 30+ shirts
Has the nicest car? none of them have a car
Is always late? none
Is always happy? none
Is the most hyper? Brittany
Has the worst taste in the opposite sex? Steve
Is the smartest? Brittany but I wouldn't consider any of us "smart" per say...but we're not dumb
Is the most photogenic? Brittany
Has the best job? none of us have jobs...we're all bums
~*Ouick thoughts to ponder*~
What came first the chicken or the egg? the chicken
Is the glass half empty or half full? if your filling it, then half full; if you're taking it away, then half empty
Describe your perfect date: As long as I'm with that special someone, I'm happy, it could be just laying in bed all day watching movies or TV
Describe your ideal vacation spot: Helsinki, Finland in December. The temperature hangs around 34 degrees and its snowing. I've seen images of this and its just breathtaking.
What are some qualities you'd like your significant other to have? Have Brittany describe herself without being pessimistic and you've got it
Describe your dream job: Just being around music would be perfect
Describe your dream ride? either a '66 Shelby Cobra or a Toyata Yaris or '76 Vista Cruiser
If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be? Hanover Park
If you could speak to one person dead or alive who would it be? Either Thomas Jefferson or John Lennon
If you could be anyone or anything in the world what would it be? idk
Why did you take this survey? because I needed something to do