My Blog-A-Book Challenge

Jul 16, 2014 10:03

I'm really going to do it this time. I'm going to blog a book. Have you heard of this? It's the idea that you plan out a non-fiction book and then post it as you are writing it to a website. I am inspired by Blog-A-Book and the desire I've always had to share the teaching materials I have made over the years.

As I plan my return to teaching after a year's self-funded sabbatical to travel and write more, I've come to realize that I really do love being a librarian. There's something about running the library that makes you central to setting the tone for an elementary school.

I've taught grades K-8, regular, gifted and segregated special education classrooms. I've taught in private and public schools as a French teacher, homeroom teacher, ESL teacher and librarian. During all that time, the best extra-curricular clubs I ran were always the creative ones: yearbook, school plays, improvisation, making videos, Forest of Reading (readers) club and I always tried to bring the outside world into the classroom using blogs, YouTube, computers, WebQuests, Wikis, newspapers, podcasts etc.

I'm hoping the excitement of these creative pursuits will be of benefit to other students and teachers. That's why I've started my new website, Creative Teacher Librarian. It's still under construction and I'm still playing with WordPress to get it right, but I hope you will visit me there and sign up for updates.

If you're an educator, you might want to sign up for my monthly tips and resources newsletter as well. Teachers are always busy. My goal is to spark some creative ideas, provoke thought and save educators preparation time as well.

Happy writing,


teaching, school, library, students, learning, education, librarianship

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