Here's some pics from my kickass birthday party. Man, It was a blast. w00t!
Extreme laziness... Need I say more?
Wow, that's interesting.....
Tom, the anxious video gamer.
A comfy threesome, composed of Ben, Bubbles, and Lee.
Crazy Jimbo Love.
The crazy Bubblie person.
My Beautiful Kayla is missing... Can anyone find her!? (Love you honey!)
Interesting. Boonie looks "different" in this pic. Hmmmm.
An Old Friend... GIVE ME MY PIZZA NOW!!!
Brandon just looking as exciting as ever. LOL.
Jesse sure loves his PIZZA.
Mo and his girl.
A pizza bunny? Your crazy as hell Rery.
My sister, Bambi.
My brother-in-law, Billy.
BEN HATES YOU ALL! Muahahahahahaha!
Steve is now in deep meditation although I had no idea that it involved snoring... LOL
Hello Lee. Goodbye Lee.
mmmmmmmm tastes good.
Jimbo in da tub.
Brandon and Yoga... Interesting combo.
Bridget is drooling all over herself. It's ok, we'll get you help.
I think Rery has A.D.D.
That's all for now folks. Later.