Jan 25, 2006 19:58
Ummmm.... so, yeah. College is really stressful this semmester. When I signed up for classes, I figured that the "one class a week" for two of my classes was a good deal. I couldn't have been more wrong. I may not be going to school as often, but the workload is almost impossible. I have 12 assignments in one class each totaling at least 15 minutes a peace. THAT'S JUST ONE CLASS!
So far, I've also been kind of pissed because I've had no luck finding a job lately. This of course adds to the stress which has been quickly accumulating in my brain. Well, a balloon can only take so much air before it explodes. How much more will my brain be able to take? We shall see...
(If my brain does manage to explode, feel free to take photos XD)
P.S. Anyone free this weekend? I haven't seen some of you guys in a while. If not, at least try to show up at the mall on friday so I can carry out my torcherous plans. Muahahahahahaha! *Ahem* Seriously though. If your free, give me a call or leave a comment or something!!!
ummmm... the end.