here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten.

Nov 17, 2009 20:57

First! (I may have already talked about this? But I don't think it was on lj, I think it was on Twitter/Facebook, so.)

I am left-handed and it is one of my favorite things to be. When someone on TV or in a movie is left-handed, I go, "LEFTY!" or "Left-handed!" or something else that implies the same thing. I get really excited, is the point. I also feel an immediate kinship the first time I notice someone is left-handed. It can be a celebrity or a stranger or ANYBODY.

No one in my family is left-handed and so my dad taught me to play sports right-handed (like he knew how), but I can also do a lot of them left-handed because it, like, feels right? This includes bowling, golf, etc. And in elementary school, the one other left-handed kid in the class always got the one pair of lefty scissors, so I had to learn how to cut right-handed, too. So that's basically, sort of, ambidextrous, but mostly I just say LEFTY.

Also in elementary school, we had to come up with inventions and I created an invention out of felt, velcro and elastic that went around the left-handed person's left hand to keep from getting that shiny/inky/marker-y stuff from dragging your hand through what you'd just written. I still maintain this is a valuable invention.

Today's person that's left-handed which pleases me: Joel McHale.

A poll:

Poll Handed-ness.

Second (and more importantly because probably no one cares about handed-ness?): fic recs.

I am so, so into Community and I've rewatched all the episodes and, uh, it's awesome. Maybe you noticed how capital letters excited I was before I posted that Jeff/Annie fic because of the possibility of a lot of Yuletide Community fic. Maybe you didn't. In any case! There's already amazing fic, and it's not even Yuletide! Here are some recs, only ordered by the order I found/read them in! (If you've been obsessive about it like I have, you probably read these.)

Even Twinkies Expire Sometime, Or: The Repercussions of Random Kissing -- by dollsome -- This is an AMAZING Jeff/Annie where the whole cast is also there and totally on fire (...not literally). It's amazing.

that one time it happened -- by crackers4jenn -- Also Jeff/Annie, also AMAZING. I love that there's already totally plausible Jeff/Annie, but everybody is also actually writing totally different stories. I love the build in this one and, again, amazing.

Circles -- by 0penhearts -- Jeff/Annie! This one is hilarious and plausible and yet still different from the other Jeff/Annie set-ups/stories that have been told (not that there are a lot of fics, but still, no one's gone the exact same way and it's delightful). There's sort of hurt/comfort, but hilarious and sometimes I say other words that aren't "amazing," but this isn't that time.

a room filled up with mosquitoes -- by falseeeyelashes -- Jeff/Britta (BOOM! Equal opportunity Jeff/Hot Girl over here). I'm still not entirely sure this fic actually exists and isn't just something I hallucinated because it's totally, totally perfect. Like, the voice, the progression, I don't even know. It's too amazing for words.

I'm sure (I hope?) there are more? And if there's a fic I missed for the love of god, please tell me about it. All I ever want in a show is making out and this show is BRINGING IT. (Don't think I've forgotten about you, JONAS, for finally manning up on the Joe/Stella.)

In conclusion, Al is presently, like, right this moment, watching V and, although I've only seen parts of all three, if the priest doesn't make out with the agent lady, that'll be a shame.

EDITED: to add a PICTURE. If this doesn't give you ~*feelings*~ and/or make you want Joel McHale/Alison Brie/Vincent Kartheiser buddy!fic, then I am sorry for you.

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