maybe just a half a drink more.

Nov 14, 2009 20:48

Here we go, Yuletide, here we go (woo, woo)!

There is so much I want to read in Yuletide this year that the thought of someone actually writing a fic just for my request on top of it all is totally overwhelming me IN THE MOST AWESOME WAY POSSIBLE.

Here's a letter to that awesome person!

Dear Yuletide Author Or: Dear Best Friend I Just Haven't Met Yet,

Thanks for being awesome and volunteering to write in a fandom that I'm crazy about. I'm pretty easy to please and already 100% sure I'll love whatever you write, but if you're looking for a little bit more, here's what I've got.

I love, love, love making out in fics. Kissing, like early, first time-ish kissing, with all the build up and the tension? 10 out of 10 times I'll pick a fic with that over the porniest thing ever to have, uh, porned. I just really like reading about making out? Also, other bases, but those usually come after making out?

You can probably tell from my detail thing on each fandom that I have pairing I really like in them, so those two making out would be tops?

If you're looking for even more info, you can keep reading, but I already am so happy you exist that I don't want things to start getting creepy.

Disney RPF: David Henrie/Selena Gomez. I really, really would love to read how they got together. I think I said that in my request, but I think it'd be awesome to see the actual story beyond all the pictures and Twitters that exist in reality.

Sonny with a Chance: Sonny/Chad. Oh god, anything, anything, anything, but maybe, hopefully, some making out?

Community: Jeff/Britta. I recently figured out how much I love Jeff/Annie, too, so if Jeff makes out with either of them (again), I'll probably throw you a parade in my apartment. Obviously you should totally come to it.

Spaced: Daisy/Tim. I know there was that whole thing at the very end where he's holding their kid, but that was such a, I don't know, like, jumping right to the end? I'd rather have seen them finally figure it out, that they should be together. And that they should make out? \o/

Whatever you end up writing, I promise I'll be thrilled. Thank you so, so much for being awesome!

I'd like to post about, like, my life again soon. Maybe tonight will be that night! But first I'm going to return comments on that Community fic from yesterday because everybody said really nice things and that was DELIGHTFUL.

Full disclosure: I'm probably going to eat three Super Pretzels dipped in melted cheese sauce before I do anything else though. That's like my favorite snack of the last several month. Who knew cheese sauce was so easy to make? Probably everybody but me.
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