fic; SWAC: Sketch it out.

Jul 19, 2009 23:47

title: Sketch it out.
fandom: Sonny with a Chance.
rating: PG.
words: 2131.
disclaimer: Fiction. This just in: I am not Disney and these characters aren't mine.
notes: Oh god, I wrote Sonny with a Chance fic. I just keep watching this show over and over and I just love these two so, so much. And, man, sometimes stuff like this just happens. Apparently this might be a future episode, him guest starring and they have to kiss or something. I only read that rumor halfway through writing this fic, but I felt like I should acknowledge it! I read Sonny with a Chance spoilers! That's apparently who I am now!

There are a lot of things Sonny still doesn't understand about show business. She doesn't understand fame, doesn't understand girls screaming and running toward Chad, doesn't understand how sometimes getting paid to be funny is way harder than it seems like it should be.

Mostly she still doesn't understand how everything works in a whole big sense. Like, how does a guest host seem like a good idea to anyone? How does Chad as a guest host seem like it's not, uh, pretty much what evil would like if it walked onto the set of a sketch comedy show and asked how its hair looked?

But it's happening anyway. She doesn't pay attention to the ratings or the numbers or whatever else she's supposed to pay attention to, she just makes things as funny as she can, but apparently Marshall says they need help.

And Chad is help.

His first day on set goes exactly like she expects it to. There's a lot of commenting about how a Devon-centric episode of Mackenzie Falls is going to "disappoint millions and millions of Chad Dylan Cooper fans that need his smile to get through the week." There's a lot of talk about how he'd never have agreed to this on his own. There are a lot of angry phone calls with his agent. There's just a lot of stuff about Chad and not about sketches, really.

The second day things come back around to So Random!, sort of, but it's actually just about all the publicity they have to do for Chad guesting.

When the third day rolls around, they actually have to work, to write and rehearse and to do all the things they'd have started on days ago if it weren't for Chad. Sonny, on behalf of the rest of the cast, negotiates a bargain -- Chad can write two sketches if he leaves everything else alone. Totally unexpectedly, he agrees and they're off.

They come up with the regular stuff -- a few recurring character sketches, a new thing about about a polka fight club and they're working on the last sketch when they're told not to bother because Chad's going to have a monologue at the beginning of the show. Awesome.

By the time rehearsals begin, Sonny realizes it's kind of a thousand times worse than she could have ever imagined. And she has a crazy imagination. Seriously. Just ask her mom about Frenchy The Unicorn Who Is Actually Just Pretending To Be The Family Beagle.

Chad's sketches are:

1.) A guy (played by Chad) who's so good looking that people start speaking in foreign languages around him.
2.) A couple on a date. The guy is suave and (imagine that) also good looking and the girl is clumsy and eventually gets pudding up her nose.

It's actually kind of funny, though she'd never admit it. It's just, it's super clear she's supposed to play the pudding girl and she's kind of annoyed and endeared at the same time. And she doesn't like that whole feeling of fighting inside her brain, with her emotions, so she's going to have to stop it.

She finds him in the lunchroom and shoves his scrawled-on papers at him.

"Chad, this sketch isn't funny." She's got a whole argument prepared, but doesn't get to say any of it.

"What are you talking about? Of course it is. She has pudding in her nose. Maybe you Randoms aren't getting ratings because you don't know funny when it strolls onto your sound stage and handsomely suggests something hilarious."

"How does someone 'handsomely suggest' something?"

"Like this." Chad stands, flips his hair and says, "A sketch with a girl getting pudding in her nose on a date would be hilarious." He ends it with a wink and sits back down.

Oh. That's a handsome suggestion. Wait, what? She's got to stop warring with herself. Chad can be handsome, Chad gets PAID to be handsome, but with everything she knows about him, she can't figure out why he doesn't ever really look LESS handsome.

"But how is it hilarious? It's just pudding for pudding's sake." She refuses to admit that pudding is probably one of the most hilarious foods ever.

"Just like a dog farting for farting's sake?" He looks smug.

"No, Gassie farts to communicate, it's an important part of -- wait, how do you know about Gassie?"

It's like the time she realized that soda was free on set. It's that exciting. Chad just admitted to watching their show. Well, sort of.

She points at him, trying to wear her own smug face, "You watch So Random!"

Chad's doing his best backpedal, but it doesn't work. "Whatever, it's only to laugh at how bad it is and some of the ridiculous stuff you have to wear. That brown shirt they had you in last week? Brown is SO not your color."

She's not sure what to say to that, so she just says, "Oh, really? What IS my color?"

Without even hesitating, Chad says, "Red."

That was weird.

She's about to come back with some sassy remark she hadn't thought up yet when Nico and Grady run up to their table, panting.

"It's. Even. Worse," Grady gets out between breaths.

"Than. We. Thought," Nico finishes.

Within five minutes the cast is all in the lunchroom, discussing how sketches are being edited way more than ever before in the name of ratings. Stuff is being added in, stuff is being cut and there's nothing they can do about it.

It's so awful that even Chad seems to realize now isn't the time to be a jerk and keeps quiet.

The total damage is crazy. Grady and Nico's sketches get hit the worst and Tawni has an entire character nixed. The worst part is, the ratings aren't even that bad, Marshall just "projected" they're going to get bad and this is a "preemptive strike." If she didn't understand stuff about the business before, she's a million times more confused now.

The morning of dress rehearsal Sonny realizes even Chad's sketches have been tampered with. She figured the golden boy of the studio would be left alone.

Chad's in make up when she finds him. Who gets full make up for dress rehearsal? Sonny hates the make up chair. But there's Chad, a napkin tucked into his collar, flirting with everyone female within 10 feet.

"I thought you might like to know that your genius sketches have been changed." She rolls her eyes on "genius."

He looks alarmed for only a second and then he's back to being Chad. "Yeah, I know. I helped."

Sometimes she can't understand how things work in Chad's head. Like, what, exactly, makes him have to one up her all the time?

(She only admits in the very, very back of her brain that she does the same thing to him.)

"Oh, really? You helped write --" She flips through the script. "-- the guy in the couple pudding sketch having an eye patch now?"

He lunges for the script. "What?"

"Yeah, Chad, imagine what your fans will go through when they can only see one of those deep, soulful eyes." She tries to sound sarcastic, but ends up embarrassed about how her voice dropped talking about his eyes. Maybe he'll just think she was being theatrical.

"I'm glad you're finally recognizing the needs of my fans, Sonny. But now isn't the time, my honor is at stake." He's pointing at a page.

She scans the lines. This has to be a joke. Why would a girl with pudding up her nose kiss anybody? Why would she kiss eye patch guy?

It's only when Chad starts smiling really, really smugly that she realizes she probably looks horrified. Because any time Chad can play opposite her horror, he will. It's what he does. And what she does is take the wind right out of his sails. So she has to now.

"Little Chad is afraid of a little acting kiss?"

Ah, there it is, he looks deflated.

"No, I'm not afraid. I'm just afraid for you. There's no way Sonny Munroe can keep up with the lips of Chad Dylan Cooper."

She's torn between staring at his lips and throwing up. She settles for storming away.

"Fine! See you on set!"

She kisses him twice in dress rehearsal. Closed mouth, barely touching, really, really lame kisses that have everybody on set yelling direction at them.

She ignores them.

He tasted like pudding.

An hour before filming, he pulls her aside into an empty hallway, looking maybe a little...nervous? No, that can't be right.

"Listen, Munroe, it's really going to hurt my rep if it looks like I can't kiss. It's not my fault my partner is a dateless Random."

She's not even sure what he wants from her and has even less of a clue how he thinks he's going to get it acting like that.

"Yeah, I'm sooo worried about crushing the rep of Chad Dylan Cooper. Maybe you can't kiss, you know. You even missed my mouth on that one take."

She's just teasing him, but it's kind of great. It looks like she's maybe getting to him a little more than usual. It's a nice switch.

He raises his voice a little bit, "You try aiming with an eye patch!"

"Aww, Chad, I really am sorry. Imagine how many dates you're going to lose over this."

"Oh no, I am NOT losing dates over this. Come here." He grabs her hand and pulls her closer, closing his left eye.



"We're going to practice. No, we're going to rehearse. Since you clearly didn't take it seriously before. Not very professional." He tuts at her.

She's about to say something back, about to maybe even shove him away, but her hand is still in his and it's super distracting and she's looking up a little and his mouth is sort of open and that one eye is still shut where he'd be wearing the patch. Oh, all right, fine. He probably isn't expecting her to go along with it. This'll throw him.


She leans up and touches her lips to his, feeling him totally still under her. It's not that she's had the most practice in the world with kissing, but usually the boy is at least moving a little bit. You'd think Chad would know that.

And apparently he does.

After a few seconds, his mouth starts moving under hers, sucking in her top lip just a little bit and then she's doing the same to his bottom lip and, oh man, it's actually pretty awesome.

He moves his hands up to her hips and she moves hers around the back of his neck and when his mouth opens just a little bit more and she feels the tip of his tongue, her whole stomach goes warm and liquid.

He half-walks, half-staggers them forward, backing her up to a wall and where she would normally care about who might walk down the hallway, instead she just opens her mouth even more, sliding her tongue against his.

She thinks she can still taste pudding, but also soda and mint and how does one person taste like three things?

He's got her pressed up against the wall, all taller than her and warm and Chad and part of her is wondering how long she's going to let this go on and part of her is busy winding her fingers up into his hair.

She only pulls away when she hears the click of high heels on tile and she's trying to catch her breath just as Tawni comes around the corner.

"They're looking for you on set, Sonny." Tawni looks between her and Chad like she's trying to process something, but just isn't letting herself. She turns on her heels and leaves.

Sonny goes to follow her when Chad grabs her arm again.

"That's passable, I guess." He smirks down at her, but it looks more like a genuine smile than anything annoying.

She gives him the same look back. "I don't know, I think I liked kissing better when my hand was over your mouth. Oh wait, that's just how I'd prefer life to be, with your mouth covered and quiet."

"Hey, I was quiet a minute ago."

"Hmm, yeah, I'll have to remember that."

She feels wildly triumphant for being smooth about the whole thing, so of course she trips at the end of the hallway.

Filming goes fine. They go a little long on the pudding kiss, but no one says anything.

Three weeks later, she's tapped to guest on Mackenzie Falls one more time. She has to kiss him again.

They practice for a week.



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