Something Blue...

Mar 11, 2002 16:33

The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
But not exclusively.
Sometimes it leads to the palace of fluffy white walls, or a stately gutter.

If there's one thing I can't stand, is unconciously proving myself wrong.
It isn't as if there exists a means to flip yourself off and tell yourself to go and get fucked (ok you can, but it's not like you'll really mean it, you're always going to go back to yourself later and kiss and make-up). Either way, if you would seek wisdom you would be stupid to deny the truth (in all its forms).

Pre-occupation with the past and preconcieved notions of yourself very rarely bare direct relevance with the present. The cacophonic chaos always ebbs, over time, to distant whispers. I'm tired of holding on to screams that echo ever onwards.

There is always distinct moments in life when you can choose to stop listening.
Maybe get something done.
Time will tell.
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