Welcome to, 'Men who aren't woman, who can't sit with poodles named hershel on Tuesdays'.....

Aug 20, 2002 23:04

Listen carefully, because I want to make this absolutely clear.

There are no victims.

Murder victims, maybe. But let's not misinterpret what I mean. Sure rape, stabbing, robbery, molestation, fire, earthquakes, acts of terrrorism, bowling mishaps, amputation, unemployment, tornados, mudslides, athletic cheating, friendly-fire, bosnian helath crisis, disatisfiying work place, lousy love life, lack of sight, acute deafness etc. are all, more or less, nasty things (list appended in interests of brevity). But hey, shit happens. Moreover, life happens.

Sitting around bitching endlessly about your lot is going to do nothing to improve YOUR situation. It only serves to add to my headache (GOD! Why do these headaches ALWAYS happen to ME!?!?!?!). There is little in whining, hands outstretched in the gimme-gimme pose, wondering what 'self-help' (oh and I do use the term lightly) course you can take to make your life more bearable.

Well here's a frickin secret, no-one owes you a god damn thing. If you are squirreling away your existence, not doing anything because of something that once happened, or something you have difficulty doing - then shut the fuck up about it. You're an insult. An insult to many, but none more than the dead. You have something, they no longer do and you're wasting it.

Whatever it takes, do it. Dance in a thunderstorm. Take mescaline. Run through traffic. Overcome, surpass and extend beyond. Live motherfuckers, live!
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