Vaughn & Sydney picspam

Sep 29, 2008 22:42

So. Here's the thing. I was going through my DVDs the other day, and organizing them alphabetically, because I have like CDO or something (it's OCD but everything has to be in alphabetical order. Actually I just made that up, but it's true. I need to have everything in alphabetical order, whether I have OCD or not.) Well, anyways... I finally found my Rambaldi Box Set (AREN'T I LUCKY? BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!) And started watching season 1. I then realized that I don't give Alias, or Vaughn & Sydney nearly enough love. And neither does LJ. So, in light of that fact, and because I've been sick, and bored, a picspam came about! It features scenes and quotes from every episode of season 1. I hope to do all the seasons soon, hopefully I can do season 2 by next week. So. ANNNYYWHOO, enjoy! (Oh and just an FYI, the quotes don't always match the pictures)

picspam, tv: alias

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