Apr 20, 2011 22:56
I have to ponder a little if this feeling is better then the end hope's results if met in the best case scenario. Doe a crush from afar turn out equally well as one could hope/dream? Dreams tend to be better than reality. Unrealistic fantasizing of things that have no realistic possibility of being. Not generally grounded in human relationships. However, this delightful feeling of emptiness/desire replaced by joy... Might be an OK exchange. Can only crush for so long from semi-afar for so long before its destined to end from given up hope. But then again, it might be better just to dream than find out its a joke life has played on you.
I guess one has to decide. Is it better to dream or live? Is the risk of failure worth the possible return of dreams made real?
Pain of mentally created emptiness is better than feeling nothing at all.