May 09, 2009 11:48
Yesterday's writer's block on urban legends had me really freaked out...there was this one about a clown that had me so scared (I'm caulrophobic). The last time when I was too scared to open my closet in fear of someone/something hiding there, I was about 9.
How embarrasing (*facepalm*). But...*takes deep breath*...I'm over it. I think. I hope.
Apr 18, 2009 13:03
My brain hurts!
"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless."
Well, then this weekend does not count. Unless math counts as pointless, or is it in fact pointfull? I'm so confused right now. Whatever.
Our neighbor is singing something from some opera. Really loudly. *facepalm* on his behalf.