Take the knife out of my back...you might need it later.

May 13, 2009 20:12

Diplomacy: the ability to tell someone to go away to the point where they look forward to the journey.

Well, I'm not feeling very diplomatic right now. Just ticked off. I decided to take the book I am currently reading (Rant by Chuck Palahniuk) to school with me, because some of the other kids were writing tests, which means I'd have an hour and a half to read. As I'm happily buried in my book, the girl who sits next to me says "Why do you waste your time with useless stories? What do you do for fun?" Reading just so happens to be one of the things I do for fun. I considered answering her with a One Finger Salute, but resisted the urge. I pretended not  to hear her, so she turns to someone else and whispers: "Freak." Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset that she called me a freak, as a matter of fact, I've been called a freak, loser, geek, nerd, dork, etc, etc, many times. To my face. But saying it behind my back...

Why do some people insult those who dare to be different?

stab my back, we don't need no education, books

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