Jul 27, 2009 20:25
...idek...I just feel the need to share this for some reason. Anyhow, in my nat. science class, my teacher forces me to sit next to the rugby captain (for those of you who don't know, rugby is pretty much THE sport for Afrikaans people...go figure). He is a typical jock (blech) and, tbh, I feel kinda sorry for him sometimes, idk why. Anyway, today, out of nowhere, he says to me:
"You have self-image issues, you know."
"So...everyone does." (I honestly had no idea what else to say to him)
"Not me."
"Okay, everyone except you."
"Because I'm the best" *awkward silence* "that was a joke, see?"
"No, I have self-image issues too. I think I'm really stupid."
Lucky for me, one of his friends called him over at that very moment, so I didn't have to say anything. Although I have no idea what he wanted/expected me to say. It certainly wasn't gonna be something like "Aww, that's not true". On the contrary...
And another thing, this morning, I was woken up by the quacking/screeching of ducks. DUCKS, I TELL YOU. The racket came from our neighbours yard, so I made the obvious connection.
i don't like mondays,
we don't need no education