Apr 05, 2005 21:33
UNC-W is stupid and hasn't sent me my acceptance (or denial) letter.
fuck that.
When I'm upset, I kiss boys.
This is Senior Week now. Last night we did the prank we said we weren't going to do - we took all the clocks down, and unplugged all the phone cords from the phones in the rooms, stole the rolly chairs, and...that's about it. Then Mrs. Manning had an aneurism and yelled at Tanya and others and took us all out of class to go put all the phone cords back. And then we also wrote "SEEN YOURS? '05" on the hill in flour. Yeah, cool, I know. Tomorrow is Lunch, Thursday is our sanctioned skip day, and Friday is Senior Breakfast. So holla back yo.
Carolina won the National Championship! Weeeeeee! I was uber excited, especially with my newly acquired Carolina sweatshirt. It's pretty and blue and one size too big, which makes me happy.
I really don't have much useful stuff to say. The days are gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, and my friends at school are lovely. Yes yes yes.
Oh, which reminds me - Servant of Two Masters plug :: April 21-23 @ 7:30, April 24 @ 2:00 - Come on Friday (22) or Sunday (24), that's when I'm performing. Of course...you can come any night and it'll be good. And if all goes well, Hard Candy directed by our very own Jon Gardner will be beforehand. It features lovely lovely people such as Mike Burke and Bacchus (if i'm not mistaken). It will not, however, be featuring Leslie Anne since she will be missing the next 13 rehearsals (and there are only 11 or so more rehearsals!), so Jon had to kick her out.
Okay, yes, nothing more to say. Fin.