(no subject)

Jul 27, 2004 23:45

Tonight was great. Spending time with Tanner is SO WONDERFUL. hhahahah, I haven't laughed that hard in a while. We saw Napoleon Dynamite, which is SO FUNNY and you all should see. If you've seen that "Beautiful Things" commercial before the movies, it's very much like that. Really. You'll understand when you see it.

The James Spencer Survey

What is your name (first, last, and spelled phoenetically)? // Jessica Lauren Jones.

What is your relationship to James? // Friend? I guess? Maybe someday CD-trading partner.

Have you ever made it to the center without biting? // Of course!

What is your favorite physical trait of James? // ...

What is your favorite trait of him otherwise? // ...

What was the last book you read? // Still reading Dracula, last finished was Harry Potter 5

What was the last album you listened to from start to finish without skipping a track or pausing? // Saves the Day - "Stay What You Are" in the car on the way home from Concord Mills...

What is the last film that you watched? // Napoleon Dynamite - WHICH IS THE FUNNIEST THING EVAR! Go see it NOW, bitches!!!

What is your favorite lost article of clothing that you lost and wished that you could find? // ...I'm not sure right now, actually...

What was the last thing that reminded you of James? // this damned survey.

Who would win in a foot race: Superman or The Flash? // The Flash.

If James were a vegetable, which one would he be and why? // Squash. Because I said so and I am the sex.

What do you think James tastes more like? A saltine or rice? Why? // gross.

What do you think James' favorite album of all time is? // Abbey Road by the Beatles

Ladies, if you went on a date with James, describe how the evening would go and rate it. // ...

Are you hot? // yes. very much so.

If James were in front of you right now, what would you do to him? // ...

What would you do for a Klondike Bar? // ...walk to the store and buy me one?

Two cars drive for eight miles in opposite directions. Then they make a ninety degree turn to their left and drive for six miles. How far away from eachother are they? // 20 miles away. WHO PASSED FRESHMAN GEOMETRY?!?!?! I did. Whores.

On a scale of 1-10, rate James. // 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971...

I don't have much else to say, so I'll leave you with this quote from Staley's info:
"Lauren J. rocks my cock... hard." <-- hahahahahaha, ah, she is crazy.

<3! <3! <3!
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