Apr 17, 2004 10:06
ok welll friday i went to the edge birthday bash thingy with hannah and another hannah and alex, stephanie and mee and it was fuckin awesome!!! i met 3 days grace and they signed my fucking cell phone!!! and this pyhsco bitch got in my face and we were yelling at eachother... heres what happened.. ok the bitch cut through us 50 times and kept shoving me so finally after the 99999999 time i yell "DANG!!" and she goes " u gotta problem with us cutting through?" and i go "actually i kinda do!" and she gets all in my face blah blah blah and shoves me with her body pokin my chest and i shove her back with my body and hannahs all " GET THE HELL OUTTA HER FACE!!" so we went to get teh police and theyre all liek doin nothin so we just went back danced our asses off and hadda great time!best concert yet! and teh singer from hoobastank is fuckin hot!!! the drumer and the singer took off there shirts!! ::melts:: so yeah..... um later
i heart u hern:)