Hey guys. As you may know or not know there is a documentary being made about Arrested Development. While the project is still in production, the first trailer for it has just been released and I thought I'd share. I'm so excited! :)
***There's been some speculation from members on lj elsewhere that this might be a fake or something. If so, that sucks. But I guess I'm just extremely hopeful it's real. I saw the link for the trailer posted on another AD site and got really excited. After a bit more digging I found this site...
http://arresteddevelopmentdoc.com/. Looks like maybe it's being made by normal folk or whatever, but they say they have sat down with a main cast member for interviewing and are to be meeting with several more to do the same. I don't know, your guess is as good as mine, but I really hope it's real and will be quality.
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