For some reason I thought this had been posted here, but I guess I was just confusing it with another article.
Mild and Crazy Guy
Meet Michael Cera, Superbad's Secret Weapon
By Rachel Syme
The raunchy new comedy Superbad has all the trappings of a classic teen movie: In one cah-razy night, kids get loaded and try to lose their virginity before going off to college. But its star, 19-year-old Michael Cera, is no Tiger Beat heartthrob. As George Michael on Arrested Development, he brought a new level of awkward to network TV with his twitchy timing and dreamy obsession with his first cousin. On the eve of his performance in Superbad, the junior member of Judd Apatow's comedic A-team speaks to Radar about women, David Blaine, and the gay bomb.
RADAR: You tend to play very nervous characters. Are you self-conscious and tongue-tied in real life?
MICHAEL CERA: Um, to some extent. I mean ... I think it's somewhat exaggerated. But, uh ... oh man, there's a perfect word I could be using here. I don't know. I don't think ... uh, I mean, in Superbad, my character's not even that awkward, I don't think. So, yeah.
You chat up a lot of girls in Superbad, and even make out with one. Had much experience with the ladies?
Totally ... you mean in movies, right? Actually, I have a real girlfriend, so that wasn't the first time I ever kissed a girl. I had that part down cold.
So you've got game?
I'm pretty sure I can talk to girls. I even have a standard opener. It's, "Hey, I like your pants." Especially if she happens to have nice pants on. It's risky though; if she's wearing a skirt, the whole thing can seem a little preplanned.
Speaking of pants, you rocked a lot of high-waisted khakis and Hawaiian shirts on Arrested Development. What's your personal style?
Well, the pants I'm wearing now are currently hanging at my waist-actually 4.5 inches below my navel. And they are corduroys, but the thin kind. The kind that allow for more freedom of movement, in case I have to run, say, or dance.
Well, you dance pretty well in Superbad. You break out some serious moves in the credit sequence.
I'm a natural on a stripper pole. I was at the Spike TV awards, and these girls came out and started dancing when ZZ Top played. Jonah Hill and some other guys from Superbad dared me to go up onstage and attack the pole with them. The scene of me disco-dancing in the opening credits was originally supposed to be for the DVD menu. Evan Goldberg, one of the writers, came up with this crazy idea that I would dance and viewers would expect the scene to loop and repeat, but it never would. So I danced nonstop for an hour.
That's commitment. Maybe they should have filmed it as a David Blaine-esque ultimate dance challenge.
Ah ... David Blaine. I really trust that guy, you know? Because he fails. Unlike Criss Angel, who legitimately terrifies me. I feel like that guy could stab you in the lung.
That aqua-bubble stunt of Blaine's was intense.
Oh yeah, after six minutes underwater, he made the worst face I have ever seen. But honestly, that guy could make just about any face and still be attractive.
I take it you're interested in magic?
I have a few trick decks. It's a good way to get in with girls. But you have to tell them the secret, or you're just shooting yourself in the foot.
Speaking of secrets, tell us a few.
I'm a Gemini-the celestial twins. Also, I play the keyboard. Maybe people don't know that. I have a laptop and a pet rabbit named Lenin. And I still live with my parents. In Canada.
What about the possible Arrested Development movie we've been hearing about?
There have been talks, but I don't want to get my hopes up just yet. It would be too incredible.
What's a night out in Los Angeles like for you? We never hear about Cera dancing on tables at Teddy's.
We go to the Gardens of Taxco, which is a candlelit five-course Mexican restaurant. Then we go to Hamburger Mary's to play transvestite bingo. People there get really rowdy. You could win a gift basket full of cruise tickets! I'm more of a bingo person than a clubbing person.
It must be strange, starring in a high school flick when you were actually homeschooled.
I went to high school for the first year, for ninth grade, but then after that finished on the Web.
Sounds a little shady.
I mean, I didn't graduate or get to throw the hat up. But I went for a year to real school, so I got the gist of it. It wasn't a great time for me. Let's just say I wasn't king of the school. I used to blink a lot, so that was kind of a problem, like my eyes were really irritated for an entire year. But I might have been homecoming king on the Web ...
What did you think when you found out that your character on Arrested would fall in love with his cousin?
I was actually really excited that I would get to have something strange to play off. That was awesome to me.
What are you obsessed with lately?
The Pentagon's gay bomb-have you heard about that? You throw it at troops and it makes them gay.
You could just drop one on the Scientology Center.
[Laughs.] I think the idea is they release a heavy aphrodisiac, and it makes everyone go nuts. I'd definitely start a war just to use it. And win.
Source And here's a medium-quality
scan of the actual magazine photo of Michael, courtesy of
hipsandhearts__ in the comments from the
Leno post.