Doctor Who: am i doin it rite

Apr 25, 2011 18:12

People keep telling me how good the Eleventh Doctor is and how I will like him even if I strongly disliked Ten and how Moffat's skeevy misogyny isn't even a little bit apparent in this new series and my interest was properly piqued so I did the logical thing and went out and instead re-watched all of the Seventh Doctor episodes because sorry RTD, Imma let you finish but Ace and the Professor had the best Doctor-Companion relationship of all time. Of all time.

But no seriously, I'm glad that I've been re-watching because I haven't seen most of these episodes since I was a kid and they use to air interspersed with Tom Baker before Quantum Leap and didn't realize just how much the McCoy episodes were steeped in seething resentment against the Thatcher government. Like, you could just re-title Seven's whole run as "British Anti-Protofacism as explained to all age groups the Series". My biggest problem with Doctor Who is that it's a really dumb show. Like, desperately dumb, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm making judgement calls here based on the majority of the reboot because I just cannot in good conscience call a gleeful screed against Margaret Thatcher posed behind a sadistic torture robot made out of confectioneries in some horrific and very intentional mish-mash of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Prisoner and Orwell dumb.

Hey friends list, a lot of you like Doctor Who. Please tell me why I should or should not be bothering with the Eleventh Doctor. ~(-_-)~
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