Facebook hate, part 2

Sep 30, 2009 02:22

Motherfucking facebook motherfucking shit what am I doing!

Goddang I hate these people who are like, "I love my finance omg my life is perfect" or "I'm about to go lay in bed with my lovebug :) be jealous lol!!!! <3!!1" Dude, have some respeck for the people you know on fb who are single or in unrequited love land or friend zone or D.) all of the above and quit projecting your love in every direction like a sneeze already!

Also, you know, damn that fence. I'm not talking about the sexual preference fence, I'm talking about the fence on the grass that's greener on the other side. Because I'm single and I should be happy you know, because I've got the privileges:-I wake up when I want on my days off and no one harasses me
-I listen to loud music at 2:30 in the morning and no one is like "ugh omg turn that off and play me some Rod Stewart" or something
-I drink beer on a weeknight and no one tells me I'm irresponsible
-I'm not obligated to spend money on anyone else to prove my affection for them
-my phone isn't bein blown up 24/7 with like "omg I miss you" or "omg I should quit my job and we should live happily ever after!!!!1" texts
-I can pass gas if need be and not feel judged
-There is no need for me to discuss overly emotional subjects on a daily basis
- I don't have to have the "state of the union" discussion, ever! There is no fucking state of any union!
-I can work two jobs if I want and no one is all like "you're neglecting meh"
-I can write songs about stuff and someone doesn't automatically assume it's about them.
-my friends can call to hang out and I can be like, "yeah right now!"
-no messy feelings that are beyond my control that you need feel responsible for.
-I can do yoga in front of my living room tv in my underwear and be alone and focus
-I don't have to pretend to care about shit that someone else gives a shit about that is lame like hockey or something I know nothing about. And even though I'm all for learning, I think I can live out my days without hockey, you know?
-no one judges my choice of beer.
-I can hang out with friends that are dudes and not need to justify it or esplain it
See the fucking problem is movies like Under The Tuscan Motherfucking Sun where there are all these women who are WOUNDED and shit. It was on AMC, okay, basic cable, so don't judge. Or judge, whatever. She gets divorced and goes on vacation in Tuscany and decides to stay and buy this villa that's broke as fuck, so it's this adventure in renovating (the property and her soul lol) and she has this affair that leads to nothing. She's bummed. She thinks nothing good will ever happen to her because oh dang she has no man! And then, and I shit you not when I say this, this super-dreamy dude comes into the movie srsly 2 minutes before it's over and they are jovial and together with fam and shit in Tuscany w00t.

The point of this stupid movie is this: she moved to Tuscany and did some shit, but in the end she still brought herself with her, and herself was miserable. She was happy for a while because her friends were experiencing some happy times, but really, she always needed a man to fill the void, and I call shenanigans on that!

There is all this visceral business that happens when you've got a partner in your life, and it's good, and your stomach flips and stuff, and all that is good! But I'm sayin if your stomach never flips for joy on it's own, then you've got some shit wrong ferreal. Or maybe I've just got it so wrong that I've convinced myself that I'm right. I like all sorts of flippin emotion, but I don't want to depend on someone else for that! And I hope someone else will eventually respect my right to provide a large portion of happiness for myself. I'd like someone that could augment that for me. Like C-E-G# augment. Give me a half step you know, because my life's already a triad, I just want someone who can make it more interesting.
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