Third Quarter 2006 - Bucks & Montgomery County Gay Survey

Oct 01, 2006 18:16

Who was surveyed: 18-25 year olds who are gay (single and coupled) in Bucks and Montgomery

Goal: To obtain insight from younger gay males on behaviors in gay dating.

How many surveyed total: 88

1. Are you dating more than one person at the same time?

1.1 - 69% answered YES, 22% answered NO, 9% didn't respond to the question.

2. Of the many you're dating, are you have sex with more than one of them?

2.1 - 86% responded YES, 8% answered NO, and 6% didn't answer the question.

3. Most of the time, do you have an orgasm or sexual experience (involving the genitals) on your first date?

3.1 - 77% answered YES, 16% answered NO, 7% did not answer the question.

4. Do you currently have an STD or AIDS?

4.1 - 55% answered YES, 19% answered NO, 26% answered UNSURE

5. If indicated "yes" to the previous question, are you currently engaging in sexual relations with more than one person?

5.1 - 66% answered YES, 7% answered NO, 27% did NOT answer the question.

6. Are you currently, or have you lied to your partner/boyfriend about your sexual activity?

6.1 - 72% answered YES, 16% answered NO, 12% did not answer.

7. Do you let your man know that you're dissatisfied with the relationship BEFORE pursuing another person?

7.1 - 35% answered YES, 46% answered NO, 19% did not answer

8. Were you honest in answering this survey?

8.1 - 92% answered YES, 8% chose not to answer

What do you think?
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