Jan 03, 2009 01:51

It has been a long time since I made a ‘general update’ post here, and since we are at the start of a shiny new year I thought I’d post something long overdue just for the record.

The following major events occurred in 2008.

  • I finished my degree. Stressful moments notwithstanding, I’ve had an amazing time. Somewhen towards the end of my first year I figured out how awesome university was really going to be, and the following three years were unambiguously the best of my life (so far). If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re one of the people responsible, so - thank you!
  • I got my first real job. I posted about this when I got the offer, so I won’t repeat the details. Working for Areva has been mostly very interesting; I’ve enjoyed the insight into our electricity infrastructure and I’ve picked up some useful knowledge. I’m still constantly amazed at how almost magical electricity is - its properties as a way of moving energy around sometimes seem too good to be true!
  • I moved into a new place. My room in Stafford is great. There isn’t that much going on though. I should make more effort to get involved with the Staffordshire University Myth Society - although as predicted, I have been travelling to London pretty much every weekend for bazzalisk’s Exalted game (now about to start running in GURPS). Which leads me on to...
  • I've been in my first proper roleplaying campaign. This started in 2007 but got really good in 2008. I've just been loving every minute of it. I recommend exploring the FWaaKFT! pages on the Queen's Tower wiki, there's lots of good stuff there.

Broadly speaking its been a great year. I hope 2009 is as good, but I doubt it will be (which doesn't mean I think 2009 will be bad). Still, life can be full of surprises - we shall see.

In an unusual move, I have created an online gallery of my favourite photos from 2008. I understand that the most widely used service for such purposes is Flickr, but as a satisfied user of many of Google's web services I thought I'd try Picasa Web Albums, which seems to do the job.

Follow this link to have a look. Hopefully there's nothing there that anyone would prefer not be online; please let me know if you have any concerns.

That's all folks!


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