Greetings all! Life is good.
The exams are finished, and they went quite well overall. I shall be looking forward to getting my results in July; with a bit of luck and a following wind I'll have set myself up nicely for next year. Fingers crossed!
The Expo was fun. One day just isn't enough; in the end, I wish I'd managed my time better.
Next time, like the Cylons, I'll have a plan. Thanks to
scotiva, and Dan (Rolph) for the company!
I'm not usually a great one for plushies. I do actually own one plushie - Plush Uranium - a gift from an American friend who saw it and thought of me. Here it is:
I hope readers will be as delighted as I was to discover that this plushie can undergo fission!
As I type this, I realise to my shame that I've never bothered to count the Z and N numbers of the daughter nuclei. I'd like to be able to say that they're Krypton-92 and Barium-141 or something, but TBH I'm not sure. Of course, the real test will be whether the A-number of the complete Uranium is 235 or 236! Since its only the excited U-236* nucleus that actually fissions... its the double-even pairing term that does it.
Aah, I'm getting off the subject.
At the Expo, I thought I had trawled every stall looking for awesome stuff; but no, on boarding the train at the end of the convention I was confronted with a friend from AnimeSoc who had a Plush Tachikoma. This is as awesome as it sounds.
Further research reveals there is also a yellow one, as featured briefly at the end of 1st GIG:
Determined not to let this oversight get me down, I have conspired with
kvetcheternal and Sergey; we all intend to purchase Plush Tachikoma for our very own, in a job lot to save on P&P. It occurred to us that the Library might also benefit from a new plushie to keep the Cthulhu (Cthulhus? Cthulhopides?) company; however, this does seem a rather frivolous way to spend society monies - so we won't, rather, we're going to see if we can get people to chip in *hint*.
The cheapest I can find this item in the UK is, at £13.99. They're not small, certainly of a suitably huggable size (rather larger than the familiar Plush Cthulhu). Of course, if any readers are also interested in securing their very own hideously well-armed, cuddly walking tank, please do post in the comments!
In my post-exam nirvana, the only thing disrupting the harmony is the need to find another housemate for next year... expect a post along those lines soon. BTW, any dirty-minded persons who giggled at the title of this post; I'm frowning at you in spirit. *frown*
And that's it!