Name: Ava Vishnupriya Butler
Gender: Female
Previous Incarnation: William Butler Yeats
Journal Name: centre_hold
Character Age and Birth Date: August 10, 1990
Played By: Norah Jones
Year in School: Sophomore
Major/Minor Course of Study:
Major- Comparative Literature
Minor- Comparative Religion
Classes: ENG 304 Myth and Myth Theory, ENG/LANG 370 Irish History and Language Intensive, REL 306 New Religious Movements in the USA, AH 257 South Asian Art and Artifact
Residence: Getty House, Rm. 4
Occupation: Student, mostly. Works weird hours at Belly Beans brewing organic java and yerba maté
Extracurriculars: Chalice Circle, Pan Asian Student Alliance, Amnesty Int'l, Eco Opportunities, Habitat for Humanity
Fraternity/Sorority/Student Affairs House affiliation: Getty, the Green House
Significant Other/Important Relationships:
She is quite close with her family, especially her dad and her younger brother Jay. He's off at some crazy wackadoo college without tests or majors studying painting farm animals for social change, or similar bullshit. Her younger sisters Divya and Tara are nice too, but they're all wrapped up in high school, so it's good to have someone to bitch at, even if Jay doesn't understand the concept of finals.
Major Details:
Ava's a vegetarian, allergic to wheatgrass (discovered in the most unfortunate way) and secretly keeps a pet parakeet in her room. Parakeet's name is Abby, and he's got a somewhat extensive vocabulary, fortunately most of it not in English. She's deeply dedicated to the complex menagerie of beliefs that is her spirituality, a wild meshing of Hindu and Celtic gods evidenced in her room by the somewhat sizeable altars to Ganesh and Brigid. She is extremely active in all her extracurricular activities, and as a result doesn't sleep much. It's alright, she's powered by truly staggering amounts of green tea. And besides, don't the best inspirations happen in a fit of insomnia, at 4am, in the middle of the quad? Her very hippie upbringing has made her granola and tolerant of other people's viewpoints to an almost absurd degree-unless their views are wrong, or if they're trying to push their opinions on her. Above all things she believes in exploration and freedom, and the rights of people to do whatever the hell they want, so long as it doesn't screw with anyone else.
Character Information
Ava is a petite creature, sometimes surprisingly so given her large personality. She wears her dark, curly hair long and sometimes in an untidy knot, and only lets real shoes touch her feet when it actually starts snowing. She has large eyes and a mischievous (some would say devious) smile, and her hands are always moving, especially when she speaks. She tends to sweep into places like a small, gypsyish tornado of paisley skirts, bright tank tops and colorful scarves, leaving informative pamphlets in her wake.
Ava is a firecracker, and a collection of contradictions. She's outgoing to a fault, always convinced that anyone who expresses an interest in any of her interests/clubs/ideas must want in and to be included. So she's a social butterfly in that way, ever contriving to make the people she knows know each other for purposes of Bettering Campus Society, etc. and collects campus organizations and causes like she collects matchbook covers. She is prone to impetuous decisions and sudden changes of mind, and can at times appear very contrary and obstinate if things tend not her way.
She has an extremely intense internal life as well, with a vivid imagination that expresses itself at times in dreams of almost unsettling veracity. Her poetry is an outlet sometimes for the unwinding narratives of her dreams, a way to channel the images. Her personal mythology runs deep and shows up prominently in her journals, and is ever developing as she reads more. She is obsessed with symbols and allegories, and in thoughtful moments views the world as through a lens of myth, where the flight patterns of birds and the spilled drops of coffee are as omens and auguries.
Eamon Butler met Shanti Chatterjee (an exchange student from New Delhi) at NYU in the mid-70s in a creative writing seminar. Charmed by his classmate's gift for storytelling and ebullient personality, Eamon invited her to this nice vegetarian place off Bleecker St., and they soon found they had more in common than reading for class. Both born just too late for Woodstock, as their relationship grew they found themselves kindred free spirits chasing the post-60s dream in the early 80s. After years spent amiably rolling from music festivals to writing seminars, foreign shores to Bowery bars, they suddenly found themselves wed, degreed, published and pregnant. It was time to settle down, and Eamon secured a teaching post at a reputable liberal-arts school, while Shanti continued her writing.
It was not long after that when their first daughter was born not-wholly unexpectedly at a music festival, and as the crowds outside the medic tent (wholly unprepared for delivering a baby) cheered the end of a Phish set, the Butler's little baby let her small opinion be known. They named her Ava, as over Shanti's dead body would her oldest daughter be named for some faerie queen with an unspellable name (Aoibheal), and it was a fortunate thing for all of the baby's future teachers. Shanti and Eamon home-schooled Ava and her siblings Jay, Divya and Tara, raising them in a rarefied atmosphere of eco-consciousness, classic myths and natural sciences until they reached high school.
Ava had a difficult time adjusting to the crowds of people and organized classes, and reacted by causing trouble and sowing chaos. Mysterious posters with cryptic messages in the hallways were always her doing ("Mind your gap," "Emperor Norton Society, Tuesdays in the Gym, Free Pizza") as were a school-wide note-passing games and, on one memorable occasion, eight-hundred super-bouncy-balls launched in the main stairwell. Much prone to detention for such hijinks and being perpetually late to homeroom in the morning, she spent a great deal of that time daydreaming and writing in her journal, rather than studying.
After much debate on the college subject, she settled on Meridian, and sent her only application. She figured if she didn't get in she'd go join the Peace Corps or go work on a farm in Lima, or something. Fortunately she was accepted (much to the relief of her parents) and went happily off, inclined to study biology. She always did like plants, it seemed natural. Of course, when it came 'round to facing the major's math requirement, Ava rearranged her priorities right quick. So now she's Comp Lit and Comp Religion, and gets to write off reading scads of books on myth theory and hermetic magic as research.
Skills, Talents, and Likes: Long hikes in he woods, campfires and storytelling, raspberry lambic, the Getty greenhouse, vast bowl-cups of Belly Bean chai and tea, driving with loud music on, and voraciously consuming the mythology section of the library. A dedicated daydreamer, she paints a little and keeps a fairly extensive poetry journal, which she's sometimes reticent to share. She brews a mean cup of coffee, and plays a halfway decent bit of piano, as well as a little guitar, when she remembers she's got one. She knows the value of a simple gesture, and will sometimes leave notes in people's mailboxes to brighten their days, or graffiti the elevators in the campus center with messages like "Love yourself: you're awesome," or in one whimsical instance, "Krishna ♥s Radha"
Flaws, Drawbacks, and Dislikes: Ava, for all her reading, is not a terribly good student. If she doesn't like an assignment, not all the powers in all the worlds can get her to devote an ounce of brain to it. So it's a good thing she likes her major. She hates small-minded people and the right-wing, and voted Green Party and Cynthia McKinney in the election. She's got a mischievous streak a mile wide, and it's not beyond her to be mean if she thinks someone is being an idiot. Let's just say she's not very patient with those who aren't her, and will present her stubborn, contrary side quite quickly if crossed.
Journal-Entry RP Sample: