
Oct 16, 2008 17:13

So tomorrow is my american experiences midterm. Which will be on everything from John Winthrop to Benjamin Franklin (who needs to stop capitalizing every noun in sight) to Henry James. 20+ different authors with different poems/essays/autobiographies/novels. The thing is, even though I know it's tomorrow, I still haven't really started studying. I don't know why. I just don't feel screwed yet. Which is terrible because now instead of trying to understand Ralph Waldo Emerson, I am updating my livejournal.

On a brighter note, the wireless bra that I got over the weekend is fitting perfectly and feels fabulous. My mom is obsessed with buying me wireless ones now, after she read an news article that said wire ones cause breast cancer. She's also obsessed with using her bluetooth now, after reading an article that cell phones cause cancer. Supposedly bluetooth is better.

I wish I have people with which to study. I mean I do, but they are even more easily distracted than I am. Which means that I would seem like the bad cop telling them to study. GAH.
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