I'm glad you think I'm not a bad friend. I was trying to explain her drinking is a little uncontrolled when she does that stupid shit...And I turn out to be the monster, I guess people with problems like that dont like being confronted, so eh what can ya do? It sorta reminds me of Aimie how she like blocked me and wont even try to talk, maybe cuz she thinks it may just be true?
Yeah, I know where you're coming from on that. And it is a bit true, and she did over react a little, but what are we to expect?? I wouldn't want to hear stubb about me like that either. Heh. But you were not in the wrong. This argument is very 2 sided, with good reasoning for both parties. Tough.
Yeah eh...Well I'm just glad I'm not her and not in her situations she is constantly getting herself into because of her drinking...To think about it, there has been quite a bit of drama caused by her drinking...
no i didnt block you because i know im a slut...i blocked you because you are a bitch and i wouldnt like to be your friend any longer so im cutting all ties from you, thank you very much.
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