OHMYGOD I just sat on a kitten

Sep 29, 2006 22:09

What the hell was I going to do? Bother.

"Okay, you're going to get off work, and let's do _______, that's a lovely idea!" blah blah blah. I've forgotten.

A lot, and I mean a lot, of crap (CRAP) has happened in the past two days, but I'm suddenly deathly tired and remembering that I have to go to work at noon tomorrow, plus DO HOMEWORK LIKE CRAZY and did I mention not die? Crap.

Anyway, Wednesday or something was zomg senior day at Ned's Point! There was some pizza and people ran around and/or had no fun at all...but I was not one of the latter. Carrie and all them went and played hackey-sack and I wandered off to shadow the drama kids. I was up on Angila's shoulders, her back, and was whirled around by Aaron because he was doing that whirly-thingy...until Doug tackled him once or twice and killed him. Then Mike orchestrated a pigpile or something something somewhere.

I nearly kicked Angila in the freaking face when I was on her shoulders because I was kind-of-not-really falling off backwards. Oopsie.

Uhm. I scampered across GLASS-LADEN DRIVEWAY-THINGS with my bare feet because I am hardcore like that, and had my photo taken manymany times along with possible footage of me screaming bloody murder. More than once.

I have nothing to say about the class photos. I don't understand the significance of spelling out "Bruce" with OUR BODIES. My only consolation is that the pictures probably suck. Who takes half an hour to get into placement for a zero? People with no skill. US, DAMN IT.

So then we left and I howled a bit with Lazzet- did I howl competently?- and Carrie hauled my ass home.

I have a sunburn. I don't like it. It kind of showed up out of nowhere and took my by surprise, like they often do.

My brain's melting.

Went to guidence on Thursday (?) and did crap- the long and short is that I have to fill out three applications and write and essay by November, then go BACK and do more stuff. I went to my english teacher and got the lowdown on what to do for the essay, went to Environmental and tramped through the woods, went home, and came back for drama. I got all fucked up during the relaxation thing- I woke up and felt all woozy and crap, like I was going to pass out? I went and talked to Paul and asked wtf was going on, and he said it was probably lowered blood pressure. I ate some fatty food and felt fine towards the end of the day...but mom thinks I was drugged or something. O_O;;

I have no energy. None. This is getting nuts, I'm going to bed.


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