It's Gunrunner's Birthday today...

Jun 06, 2005 12:41

He doesn't know yet but there is a surprise party at the Moonlight.. with free drinks... everyone is invited.


Mun OOC: and yes she means everyone... even those from other time frames... Ahem.. Na'Toth... Ta'Lon whoever else... Let the chaos begin.. And doesn't her choice of music bring an image to mind.. Mun SQuees!!!!

alexia, mars colony, birthday, valerie, tatyana

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Ah here comes BR's herd... _mariel June 6 2005, 17:18:37 UTC
Amongst the many invited comes forth a few particular muses that aren't aware of Gunrunner personally but are looking for a good party all the same. Others are more familar with him whether they want to be or not.

A beautiful but blind thief enters quietly followed by a Narn who has a blade strapped behind his back. Shortly after comes a far more niave version of Mariel, one who has been through much but some how remains still innocent. Another enters, an odd looking Centauri woman with strange tribal tattoos that decorate her forehead. Each have their own reasons for being here but none seem aware of each other save for perhaps the tattooed Centauri.


Re: Ah here comes BR's herd... centauri_fire June 6 2005, 19:09:27 UTC
In a booth is Alexia, a short lanky Narn woman (much younger then Ta'Lon remembers) and a very beautiful spanish looking human woman they are drinking and playing cards. Valerie/Adira is at the bar getting a sundae for a young (11) human girl and there are a whole load of Centauri assassins and shifty looking humans in the place. Gunrunner is still blissfully unaware..


Quick OOC- _mariel June 6 2005, 19:15:34 UTC
OOC- woah this is some time ago then hee! Uh how many years difference is ther ebetween M and V/A again? was it 7-8 years? *scratches head tries to figure out what point of her life she was in at this point*

*EG* ooh! so whose the beautiful Spanish woman ;)


Re: Quick OOC- centauri_fire June 6 2005, 19:23:29 UTC
uh.. Adira is 15.. so Mariel would be around.. um... 23??

It's Kitty.. There is a time bomb.. Kitty and Adira...LOL


Re: Quick OOC- _mariel June 6 2005, 19:34:41 UTC
Oh she's 15 here i thought she was only 11...So at this point MU!Mariel vaguelly knows her? or is that before all the events we're doing?

*snickers* Why does Kitty and Adira not get along?


Re: Quick OOC- centauri_fire June 6 2005, 19:39:28 UTC
Oh it can be after.. what fun would that be if no one knows each other..lOL.. .. Adira is 15 when she gets involved with Gunrunner.

Oh.. they started a big to-do about a certain Centauri they were both interested in.. he doesn't really know the whole thing.. got so bad Trakis had to get involved..Mun snickers...

Oh.. no Niomi.. she is 11.. a child now.. and Na'Loth is only 17.. she is 27 ish when Ta'Lon meets her in the real world..


Re: Quick OOC- _mariel June 6 2005, 19:50:37 UTC
yeah i like the idea of no one knowing each other at this point it would be more fun that way =D so all this occurs outside MU!universe then?

*Grins and howls* Oh that just great hee what did Trakis do to peel these two girls of of each other? hehehehe

*nods* okay now that i got the ages all fixed *as my brain unscrambles itself lol* ^__~ I can think of a reply


Re: Quick OOC- centauri_fire June 6 2005, 19:55:36 UTC
Oh the usual.. go stand in the corner until you are done being angry..


Re: Quick OOC- _mariel June 6 2005, 22:07:58 UTC
HAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry the mental image of Trakis playing the father type figure has me dying of laughter here you must do a post on that!!


Re: Quick OOC- centauri_fire June 7 2005, 16:41:50 UTC
I am on it.. as well as a very ... **Gunrunner breaks in laughing..** "He's going to kill you." .. **Mun sighs** a very amusing post well two or three of them but only one that involves darling MuMariel..LOL


Re: Quick OOC- betareject June 8 2005, 03:28:15 UTC
*EG* Oh sweet deal!! I can't wait to read them!!! ^__^ *mun waits eagerly while MU!Mariel catches sight of her name and flushes embaressed at how or why she would be involved in all of this.*


Re: Quick OOC- centauri_fire June 8 2005, 17:56:24 UTC
***Whispers to Mun**

I think Alexia's gone off of the deep end..

**Glances at Alexia-muse then smiles at MuMariel as Gunrunner laughs**

"A poet's blushing maiden" I have never heard such silliness

**Mun Shrugs**

There are two there for you.. still writing 'bout Trakis though.


Re: Quick OOC- oc_muses June 9 2005, 05:18:28 UTC
*howls* AWW!! thats too cute! *MU!Mariel suspicious about what everyone is laughing about blushes deeply and frowns.*

...What is so funny? I don't understand...

*Mun grins* you'll learn soon enough!

*Rushes off to read the posts *


MU!Mariel and Yasodra oc_muses June 7 2005, 00:45:24 UTC
Mariel smiles as she enters, the setting is dark and throbbing and in truth she rather likes it this way as it is familar. Roaming through the mingling crowds she studies all who enter and wonders when Ke'Lan (hopefully without Kir'In) will be joining her. Her old friend said he would join her shortly but was held up with business so in the meantime she grabs some tea and takes a seat before studying the crowd in silence ( ... )


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