Dangerous Liasons Part Three- Girl's Night Out

Aug 09, 2005 16:24

It seemed like Silvas had just left when the doorbell started. Its incessant ringing was irritating as Valerie pulled her self from bed to answer it.

“What now?” She mumbled sleepily.

Valerie shuffled to the door and saw Na’Loth through her blurry eyes. Sighing heavily. “What do you want?”

Na’Loth smirked; it was the kind of smirk that meant she was up to something suspicious.

“What are you up to?” Valerie yawned motioning for her to come in.

“Go put on your best dress... you know that little black one.” Na’Loth was trying not to giggle. Valerie only shuffled off mumbling about how she hated Trakis’ demands at all hours of day and night.

As Valerie dressed Na’Loth quietly let the other girls in as they arrived.

Valerie shuffled back out from her bedroom wishing to kill whoever had truly asked to wake her at this time of night but her eyes went wide as she saw all of the girls sitting in the living room. The only thing that prevented a killing spree was the smell of coffee and the warm cup that was shoved into her hand.

“Can someone tell me what is going on?” Valerie mumbled sitting on the floor where she had stood too tired to make her way to the couch.

Na’Loth smirked. “I am sure you want to help him?” The girls laughed having already been filled in on the plan.

“Help who?” Valerie questioned drinking the coffee eagerly.

“Gunrunner of course. I mean I am sure he could do with a few less assassins on his case during this job.” Na’Loth stated causing another round of laughter.

Valerie remembered now what she thought to be a dream; the man in Centauri Regalia and an eye patch. “It couldn’t be.” She thought as her mouth flew open in surprise. It was a dream or was it. She jumped to her feet and to the closet. The blue suit was missing. Valerie gasped and headed out to the girls. “Christov?” was the only word she could manage.

Na’Loth nodded and as the identical plan began to form in Valerie’s mind she gave a sly smile. “I suppose you girls want some daggers?”

She moved to pull open the panel that hid Silvas’ overstocked weapons collection when Cindy grabbed her hand. Looking at it in shock she exclaimed. “Jesus Christ girl where’d you get the boulder?” The question brought a surge of curious women to examine what had caused the stir. Valerie looked down at the ring on her finger she had forgotten about.

“Gunrunner, where else do you think.” Valerie stated stubbornly as she pulled her hand away and worked on the combination.

There was a room wide gasp as Cindy’s shocked voice squeaked. “That’s an engagement ring isn’t it?”

Valerie refused to answer.

At this moment the door bell sounded and Valerie surrounded by eager women trying to pry out her personal life cast Na’Loth a helpless glance. Na’Loth nodded sympathetically and opened the door.

Kitty smiled as she heard the usual commotion caused by having a dozen women in one place and entered. “I brought Lady Yasodra as well.” Kitty motions for the thief to follow. Much to Valerie’s relief attention has now turned to the Thief and away from her hand for the moment.

kitty, mars colony, yasodra, christov, valerie

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