For some reason, in the last few weeks, my days have consisted of sitting down at the computer and dazing off, punctuated by bits of work. It certainly hasn't been a creative spell for me. I blame BSG withdrawals. Luckily tomorrow is finally SCIFI FRIDAY, the best day of all good days. BSG premiere, Torchwood finale, sigh. I will be in heaven... sad heaven, because it's the finale, but hey... SPIKE... on TORCHWOOD. The only way the evening could get better is if David Boreanaz somehow showed up and bit people.
*dazes off again*
So, I've been remiss. Stuff I've been doing:
* Went outside yesterday to call Hawaii re: honeymoon, left watch on bench in prevention of tanline effort, lost watch to roving patients.
shakasuluis pleased at the loss of "Stabby Watch"--2 links were held together via beading wire that occasionally doubles as a weapon against salacious hand-holding. Nevertheless, am now watch-less, which is not nearly as good as being timeless or ageless.
* Working, but not particularly hard.
* Reading an ungodly amount of gossip on
* Completed my DVD-R collection of Angel. Thank you, Lords of Kobol, for Tivo.
* Gazing upon an unfortunate number of little orange flags strewn about the gorgeous lawn in front of my office window, denoting a slew of impending sidewalks to be plowed through said gorgeosity and several lovely trees, prior to them stealing our office for the amusement of the clinic's doctors, who want a new break room.
* Dug up 2 seedlings from said trees, including one I buried my beloved office fish Lucky underneath, to carry with me to future home.
* Speaking of fish, lost my poor bettagrrl Lolly to some horrible random infection, buried her in my peace lily.
* Dove back into yoga philosophy books in preparation for next training in a week. Spirit is in the universe. Spirit is universe. You are in universe. You are Spirit. Spirit is you. Om. etc.
* Began training for training, using new techniques to perfect shoulder stand; am so sore, cannot reach toes.
* Decided on a number of wedding details, to whit:
bridesmaid dresses (without the jacket) in "Truffle" (chocolate);
photographer (whom I love); DJ (still need to meet); minister (ditto); and website.
* Went to tiny floral market and bought an armload of flowers to help decide what looked best, and also figure out if am florally-DIY-inclined. Jury still pending. Look at the pretty, though: