Mar 13, 2008 16:58
I'm sorry, but this episode was Teh Suck. Seriously.
* Carnies are creepy enough, but now they're...what? Aliens, I assume, but who knows.
* They were trapped by being filmed originally? Or disappeared because they ran out of work? Or both?
* The first two can escape off the film as shadows, but the others have to walk out of the middle of the screen in plain sight?
* They stole people's breath in the past for what reason? To listen to them scream in a bottle?
* If they were only there to steal people's breaths and the victims still existed, why did the carnival disappear with all the people in the past?
* One breath actually remained IN the bottle when it was open?
* What was going on with the puddle of water? It used to be the ocean? An abandoned pool?
* Why didn't they just GO to the ocean?! It's not like Britain isn't an island.
* They're "ghost makers" but they keep the ghosts in a box that no one ever sees? How did anyone know about the ghosts then?
* When the people finally do die, the ghosts don't exist anymore? Isn't that, like, reverse ghost principle?
Furthermore, you can't tell me that Jack happily blew his head off every night just to track down The Night Travelers, and then didn't catch them or even know who they were until now. Because, if everyone in the film walked off the screen into real life except Jack, that means THEY were the Night Travelers, and he worked with them. I guess you could argue that it was 2 carnivals spliced together, but Jack says specifically that he remembers the people on the film. So who are the people that appeared suddenly in the middle of the night and didn't advertise? And if Jack was at that very carnival, how did he miss the fact that the WHOLE THING DISAPPEARED?! Did it disappear because they were aliens, or did it disappear because someone filmed them? Either way, why wasn't he just left standing in the field, because he is clearly not trapped in celluloid.
This is one of those episodes that just make me feel terrible for the actors that they had to be serious and act out the whole thing when it was forced-excitement plot with zero character development.
Total. Bollocks.
Of course I hated "Small Worlds" too. If you're a PJ fan, I'm sure you enjoyed both of them, but I am unmovable, so please don't try and convince me otherwise. Meanwhile, I will be mourning that utterly wasted hour of my life.