Mindless Self Indulgence = freaking amazing!!
The show was orgasmical! I went with Becca, Kristi, Adam, Kayla, and Charlie. And I saw a bunch of Rocky people there- hung out with Mere and Jenn and Skanky for a bit. I saw Stef there whom I haven't seen in forever. AND AND AND... I MET LITTLE JIMMY URINE!!! I got an autograph but I lost it on the metero. I'm still kind of pissed. But he also bit my finger ^_____^ It was hawt. Kristi got pissed and puked on. It was kind of funny. I mean... not funny at all? haha I love you Kristi. But yes, the show was insane and it was truly just an awesome time.
I spent the night at K*Dawg's last night. Some people came over: Kevipoop, Adam, Phil, Nathan, Skanky, Rachel. It was fun. Here are pictures because Rachel and Kristi are gonna kill me if I don't post the pictures ^____^
Okay fuck. That one took about 4 minutes to upload. I'm just gonna finish the others later. haha. Sowie guys. <3333