May 05, 2006 01:14
It's 1AM and I'm just now finishing up homework. I HATE SCHOOL ^___^
I'm not sleepy at all. Damnit.
Oh man, the funniest thing happened today in English- Pat King had his cell phone out and so Ms. Jackson took it from him and put it in her shirt. Pat then mouths me his phone number and I call it on my cell phone. Her shirt starts vibrating so she takes the phone out of her shirt and opens it and I pull my phone out from under the desk and say hello; me and her then had a 3 second conversation from across the room. It was hilarious. Everyone was laughing so much. Ms. Jackson is the shit man.
Chantilly is so gay though. I could just picture someone coming across this somehow and getting her in trouble or something. IF ANYBODY OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF FROM CHANTILLY HIGH SCHOOL IS READING THIS, JUST KIDDING. AND FUCK OFF. KISS KISS.
That reminds me. I got busted for using a proxy server at school. Douche bags.
I'm just full of insults tonight. My bbbbbb.
So I had "California" stuck in my head at work. We were so dead, so I was just standing at the register tapping the drum beat with pens and singing. It was great. MCMS pride, represent! Speaking of which, congrats to my ladies for getting the gig playing at VA Beach Warped Tour this summer. Tres proud!
Mhmmmm, I love crack!