Cenotype Updates Aplenty!

May 11, 2010 16:12

I haven't really updated this thing in a while, so I'm going to gather all of the awesome and crazy things that are happening and throw it all out there.

I’m working on the new  Cenotype release. I don’t have a title, a label or whatever yet, but I can say that this album is going to be dynamic, both in theme & sound. I’m working with several guest musicians & a mix of new hardware & software.
I promise that I’ll keep updates coming as they develop.


I still have copies of 'Origins' & ‘Origins Unfold’ left.

I have added a ReverbNation player in the Listen section of Cenotype.com so that you can stream the entire first fulll-length ‘Origins’ in full quality! You can also stream the 2nd release ‘Origins Unfold’ there also. If ya like it, buy it! I'll et you know how to later on!

I got a killer remix of my track ‘Unearthed’ back unexpectedly from Vynil Rob.
This is sick!
He didn’t even have my remix kit to work with!

Check it out!

Unearthed In Brooklyn (VynilRobMix) by VynilRob

New webstore(s)!

I have created 2 new Cenotype stores that are linked in the Buy section of Cenotype.com so that you can now buy all Cenotype CD releases and t-shirts easily!

If you go to the Buy section of the website, you’ll notice 2 shiny, brandy-new buttons labeled Origins Productions Music Store and Origins Productions Clothing respectively. Click those buttons to be forwarded to either the music or the merch store.

I know what you’re thinking: “this is kinda weird…”.

Well, the truth of the matter is… you’re right! It IS weird.

I have started using a shopping car service called BigCartel, which was suggested to me by Leech of Annihilvs/ NTT. Theologian (his store is here: http://apexarmouries.bigcartel.com/).

They offer a FREE shopping cart service, but it is pretty limited and only allows 5 items.

After that, it becomes paid and since I make basically no money with Cenotype and am a very poor web site/ shopping cart designer… VIOLA! Everyone wins!

I get to have a neat-o looking shopping cart semi-attached to my website and you guys can now easily buy any Cenotype release and/ or t-shirt that you want!

Both shopping carts links to my Origins Productions Paypal account, so even if you buy merch from either site, it will all be sent to the same place! Easy as pie!!

Take a look at what I have put up and let me know what you think!!

Also, as a super awesometastic added bonus, I’ve dropped the price on both the Origins men’s and girlie shirts!!

Go get em’ while they last!!

New Digital Download Store via Bandcamp.com!

I just added a Digital Store to the Cenotype website via Bandcamp (www.bandcamp.com)!

I am not sure how many of you prefer digital music to physicals CDs, but if that is your preference, then you have a great place to get all of the Cenotype releases now in every format, from VBR MP3 and 320K MP3 to more audiophile-friendly formats, such as FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, etc!

You can get to the store by clicking the Origins Productions Digital Store button on the Buy page of Cenotype.com or directly at http://cenotype.bandcamp.com.

Lest I forget: Thank you ALL for your continued support! You guys are amazing!

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