Jun 18, 2007 00:14
forget I have an inch cyst on my liver and can't do shit. forget that there is a stupid fucktard named Bush running Ameri-what? (and for that I am ashamed) and that Dustin Diamond is a fucking pricktard.
Oh no.
But poor Paris Hilton. She spent 3 horrible, isolated and panic ridden days in jail. Then was released for "severe medical conditions".
Holy mother fuck of all that is fuck.
To you Paris.
You stupid cunt!!!
My children were taken away from me half of the time for doing maybe a third of the vulgarity you have provided the Earth. With your so called "fake stupidity" and your "life threatening illness".
You sick motherfucker.
I have taken anxiety drugs(and am off them now *Lorazepam and clonazepam*).....BECAUSE of my custody battle.
I still take anti-depressants.....BECAUSE of my childhood.
Oh how I wish to bash her head in with a sharp object.
You stupid cunt. You have no idea what life is like nor will you. Funny how a 23 day jail sentence lead you to God. As if you really took anything to heart.
"I had to go back to jail so my fans can see I take responsibility".
Then what the fuck was the 3 day term-turned home jailed-turned jail term about?
It showed us all you are a fucking coward.
If you hit my car when you were driving drunk and killed one or both of my kids cause of that......what do you think your sentence would be?
Instantaneous death you stupid cunt and waste of sperm.
Fuck I hate people like her...